Darren Shakib Darren Shakib

Black Flag Roleplaying modeling

  • User pick spells now has a new option of Always Available.

  • Alter the way that always available spells work for classes that select and prepare (Wizard). The spells show as selected and don't count towards the known spells but still need to be prepared. Always show as rituals for classes that have known rituals separated (ToV Wizard).

  • Combined these can be used to finally implement a spell book for Wizards. The Black Flag/ToV Wizard no has a new feature to copy spells to as spellbook.

  • Add a new summon option to use proficiency bonus to adjust AC. The beast spirit has been updated in Tales of the Valiant to now have the 4 different types of beasts along with tokens for them.

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Darren Shakib Darren Shakib

Modeling updates

  • Rework the user pick spells dialog and associated modeling:

    • Spell and cantrip counts as well as spell level now can be a number or a metaword allowing them the be variable. If spell level is a metaword then it it treated as a maximum rather than a specific spell level.

    • User pick can be used to create and utilize named spell lists. This can be used to select a set of spells with one feature that can then be picked from another feature. The list of spells to pick from can now included the name of a spell list. The user pick can also select into a named spell list. There is a new option for casting to only place spells into a named spell list.

    • The minimum casting level can be specified as well. This level can be a metaword allowing the value to change based on other features or based on level.

    • Reorganize the screen to make it a bit easier to deal with all of these new options.

  • Similar changes are now available with user pick custom as well.

    • The count can now be a metaword.

    • The custom pick can be placed into a named list and selected from a named list.

    • Note: that when the selection is placed into a named list that the features will not be activated on the custom entries selected.

  • Add new modeling to allow granting bonuses to passive insight and passive investigation.

  • Add the ability to copy a subclass from one class to another.

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Darren Shakib Darren Shakib

Big Update to support D&D 2024

This update contains lots of changes to support new options included with D&D 2024. This should enable modeling of all of the new types of abilities from the new player’s handbook.

  • Add support for monster rolls to include metawords. The metawords will show up until you use the monster in a campaign, planned encounter, or as a companion.

  • Add special metawords for summoned creatures. See learning article for details: https://www.shardtabletop.com/howto/summon-creatures

  • Add new summon calculation options. On a monster companion block or in summon you can now include HP per upcast spell level. Also allow the HP to be adjusted by the cast level of the spell.

  • Add a new option to allow using the monster's HP as the base. There is a "monster" option for the base HP.

  • New modeling feature to boost spellcasting. Spellcasting boosts can expand the set spell lists a character can pick from or the number of known spells/cantrips. The class impacted depends upon where the feature is received. If the feature comes inside of a class selection and the the class is a spellcaster the that class will receive the boost. Otherwise, the first spellcasting class will get the boost. If there are no spellcasting classes then the feature option will do nothing.

  • New options for rest features to make rest options more visible to characters.

    • There are new action types for actions: long rest, short rest. The actions will be labeled SR or LR. During a rest these actions will be highlighted on rest dialog to remind players.

    • There is a new feature option, RESELECT, to indicate that the feature allows changing a feature selection during a long or short rest. If that option is set the after the rest is performed the player will get a popup showing the selectable features and allow the player to make changes.

  • Shape change has a new option to keep the character's HP and set Temp HP (new wild shape).

  • Add a shape change option to set minimum AC.

  • Change table label for 2024 spellcasters to say Prepared Spells instead of Known Spells.

  • Add a new option to specify exact list of number of prepared spells by level as an alternative to the ability DC + level used in 2014.

  • If specific prepared spells by level specified keep Known Spells as an option.

  • Add support for backgrounds to have gold alternative to starting equipment.

  • Add an option on subclass edit to hide base class. Also fix bug with Custom Stat Blocks on monsters not showing some selected options correctly.

  • Add an option to restrict spells to only class selected spells for user pick options. This makes it possible to select "known spells" for other casting options.

  • Add an option for item modifiers to require matching all selected properties and not just some.

  • Add a new option to user pick spell for cast action to allow filtering spells by casting action: "action","bonus action","reaction","ritual", "not ritual"

  • Add a clear option for pick counts by levels.

  • Add ability for dice rolls to specify a minimum value for a roll.-To set a minimum value set the letter m followed by a number for example add m2 for a minimum of 2 for the dice.

    • This needs to be separated by a space or a plus from the other text of the roll.-This is different than other platforms since the minimum is for all dice rolls in the text.

    • Extra damage can be used to set the minimum of a roll and will be applied to all damages part of a single roll. This means that features can modify the minimums.

  • Add a new option for user pick and castable spells of "at will and with pact/spell slots" this supports the new wizard where you can pick a known spell to cast at will and have prepared always.

  • Add a menu to home nav when a ruleset will be selected to allow going to everything or the ruleset.

  • Add a feature to actions to allow restoring uses when a feature is deactivated.

  • Allow item matching name filters to match against the name of features used to create items. This allows modifying items that have been created using create item

  • Allow action add uses to contain a metaword string.

Bug Fixes:

  • Ritual handling for 5E was broken not allowing picking of ritual spells (side effect of black flag work).

  • Fix companion and NPC handling of conditions that give bonus to max hp. This messed up calculation of hp and how damage was handled.

  • Fix bug where item modifiers didn't filter correctly by properties.

  • Fix bug where spell casting didn't carry the alt effect correctly after the spell was cast.

Update: 1/18/25

  • Fix a bug with spells from features cast with spell slots showing too early.

  • Add better labeling for feature options so that you can see where the features come from.

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Darren Shakib Darren Shakib

Font Config and Bug Fixes

UI refresh update and some bug fixes.

With the UI refresh there are some people that still have trouble with the default font. This update allows a user selection to pick the font.

  • On the account page you can set a global default.

  • On the character sheet settings you can pick the font as part of the character style.

Bug Fixes:

  • Remove the welcome dialog since it was overlaying and duplicative of the tour.

  • Fix bug where natural armor monsters with a shield did not correctly calculate AC.

  • Make sure that adjusted statistics are show for companions on the character sheet, especially with conditions.

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Darren Shakib Darren Shakib

Refresh UI

This is a big UI change with some smaller features/bug fixes.

  • There are a large number of big changes and tweaks to the UI. See the blog post for the biggest changes. Blog Post

  • Add support for built in tours on how to use some Shard features. There are some key starting tours, but more will be added over time.


  • Make gold alternative more flexible. You can now set die and count along with a fixed addition. The pick gold alternative now also allows rolling.

  • Add an option to recover uses during a long/short rest.

  • New modeling feature to allow alternate abilities for skill checks.

  • Add prev/next and select/remove buttons to spell picker. This should make it easier to browse through spells to pick.

  • Replace spells button for classes/subclasses in the feature block areas with a single pick button in the spell section.

  • Ruleset block always shown at top of page. Use dropdown to change rulesets and remove rulesets from campaign block.

Bug Fixes:

  • Make select all correctly count levels.

  • Fix a bug converting prerequisites for custom types.

  • Make consumables with uses, consume the item when uses are finished.

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Darren Shakib Darren Shakib

Pin and Edit Encounter Bug Fixes

Couple of bug fixes:

Remove option to hide location pins. This feature wasn't really used and the state was getting reset occasionally which would hide the pins.

Fix bug viewing encounters in campaign mode. If you created an encounter and then edited one the edited one would keep jumping to map location of the new encounter.

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Darren Shakib Darren Shakib

Save + Damage

This update refines the save + damage features and includes a bug fix.

  • Detect cantrips and adjust to do zero damage on a save instead of half damage.

  • Add the save+damage option to the damage menu when clicking a combatant. This can be easier than selecting first and then applying from chat.

  • Fix a bug with player view of companions not always correctly labeling rolls.

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Darren Shakib Darren Shakib

Performance plus Bug Fix

  • Found a serious performance issue associated with rendering spells. This showed as slow display of spell pick lists especially with many spells on mobile devices.

  • Found a bug where click on damage rolls in monsters was not correctly labeled.

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Darren Shakib Darren Shakib

Feats & Import

Extra features for feats, disable import, and bug fix.

  • Add keywords to feats.

  • Add Feats to the custom table options the user pick custom in features. This gives the full flexibility to feats, including filtering and ability to pick more than one.

  • Fix bug where rest did not always update uses on equipment.

Import has been disabled. Keeping up with changes to D&D Beyond has proved to be impractical and the update for 2024 ultimately broke the import beyond repair. We have a different solution. See blog post.

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Darren Shakib Darren Shakib

Bug Fixes

  • Many black flag/tales of the valiant spells were not correctly handling up leveling.

  • Add keensense as a sense to set on characters and features.

  • Fix attune count for black flag to correctly use proficiency bonus.

  • Fix bug in monster custom stat blocks that was crashing when setting a user pick spells.

  • Add ability to search adventure levels in marketplace when selecting adventures.

  • Add ability to search marketplace to find included content for example the name of a class, race or monster.

  • Fix a bug where some companions could not edit HP correctly.

  • Fix a bug causing delete fog region to not work.

  • Fix bug where some monster npc character sheet rolls would show always instead of using the gm chat visibility preference.

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Darren Shakib Darren Shakib

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a bug where player text messages showed as GM messages.

  • Fix bug where AC did not display correctly on all monsters.

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Darren Shakib Darren Shakib

Monster Stat Block and Display Tweaks

Cleanup of Custom Stat Blocks for monsters and some tweaks to character sheet display. These provide new modeling options. Most users won't notice much change but this will enable some new modeling for some exciting new products.

We have been working on some modeling for using monster blocks for vehicles and such and have been cleaning up how they work with the monster block.

  • New Feature option to display a feature as an attribute. Either a usage count with a usage name or a display value by level with a value name now have an option to show as an attribute. What this means is that the value will be shown at the top of the character sheet or at the top of the monster block along with other attributes. Usage values will be shown as numbers and can be changed.

  • If you show a value as an attribute you can also include extra text with the attribute. This text can contain metawords that will be expanded.

  • Text attributes, like favored enemy, are also show in the attribute section now.

  • New feature option of "Add Uses" this allows named metawords to be adjusted up or down. For example could be used to add a Ki point.

  • Custom Stat Block features shown in the monster block now respect the "Display compact version of feature" option to either show an inline version of the feature or one with a header.

  • Change the Max Hit Points option to be a text field instead of just a number. This allows for negative numbers and formulas that include metawords.

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Darren Shakib Darren Shakib

Export and extensible item properties

  • Books can now be exported/printed. See our blog for more details: https://www.shardtabletop.com/blog/export

  • Item properties can now be extended. To create a custom item property:

    • Create a custom type entry under "Item Properties". Note we don't have any by default yet so you may need to create a new type.

    • You can now see the item property and the details will show up on the item. Note: none of the modeling is applied.

    • The new properties can be used with item modifiers and create item to filter items.

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Darren Shakib Darren Shakib

General Cleanup Black Flag Support

Some general cleanup and some adjustments for black flag support.

Black Flag Roleplaying made some significant changes to Eldridtch Invocations, Metamagic and Pact Boons. These are intended to power compatible with previous versions, but even though the same named versions are very similar there are some subtle differences. These changes make it possible to prefer versions for Black Flag where desired as well as allowing versions that work across the game systems. These changes in conjuction with updated versions of Black Flag Reference and Tales of the Valiant fix most of the user experience.

  • Class columns that pick custom types now prefer the game system that matches the class. This should allow metamagic and eldritch invocations pick the correct game system.

  • Custom types can have Black Flag, 5E or Any for the game system. This allows publishers to pick any when designing versions that work for both systems.

  • User Pick custom types now allows for a preferred game system with Any being the default. Generally user pick doesn't care, but when a custom type is shared across game systems a preference can be specified.

With multiple versions of same named entries we made some changes to make it easier to tell where content comes from to make selecting better.

  • Change how sources are displayed for entries. Instead of showing the package the value now shows the books that publish the entries. Hover on the source field still shows the package which is generally only needed when debugging complicated packaging scenarios, like same entries in multiple packages.

  • Show publishing book in search when duplicate entries are shown to making picking correct value easier, for example fighter with both the 5E an Black Flag versions.

Some general fixes:

  • Add back code to show casting/dc information for classes.

  • Add code to show display values in monster block for custom stat blocks.

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Darren Shakib Darren Shakib

Bug fixes, Black Flag, Monster modeling

Lots of changes, including bug fixes, support for Black Flag, and monster modeling updates.

Monster Modeling: including features to allow monster modeling to be used for things other than typical monsters: vehicles, airships, buildings, etc.

  • Update AC when ability scores of monsters change.

  • Don't show fields that don't have values. Allowing blank fields can make monster blocks work for other uses.

  • Don't show abilities option. When set ability scores that are all 10/0 will not be displayed at all.

  • Add new attributes: Initiative to set a fixed initiative value for monster, Damage Threshold to set the minimum required damage before any damage is taken by monster.

  • Arbitrary sized tokens. If the artwork for a monster token is a map token the the size of the artwork is used instead of a square token sized based on the monster size. The token works like a map token and can be rotated on the map. Note: this also works for character tokens. Also: the creature name and damage borders are not shown.

General Modeling:

  • Add ability to exclude languages in extensions.

  • Add a new innate option to case using uses and spell slots.

Bug Fixes:

  • Correct sizing of maps. There are a few cases where images are not being loaded at the original resolution this caused player views of maps to be incorrectly positioned.

  • Fix parsing of dice. In addition to a few subtle bugs, also correct cases of multiple negatives like 1d10--10.

  • Correct bug where unique monsters were not being stored as monsters for rulesets. This is why unique monsters created/modified in rulesets didn't show correctly in campaigns. This code also moves the monster updates to correct the problem when you open the rulest.

  • Make sure that spells/monsters have game system set correctly when creating a new one inside of a ruleset


  • You can now go to books to see entries in the context of the book, for example monsters might include more information about the monster including artwork, more description or other related monsters. Look for the book icon at the bottom.

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Darren Shakib Darren Shakib

Monster creation refinements

  • Add more flexible model for setting monster type. The type and sub-type are now separated and allow full customization to create new types or sub-types.

  • Add helper to add usage tracking to a monster text field.

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Darren Shakib Darren Shakib

Monster Improvements

This update includes change to update monsters and advance the features to support for Black Flag Roleplaying features.

Monsters: when we added action modeling to characters we always intended to add similar features for monsters. This update includes many changes to bring action functionality and spell casting to monsters.

  • Identify attacks and damage rolls in monster blocks inside campaigns. Clicking attack rolls will identify and include damage rolls much like rolling a weapon attack on the character sheet. Damage rolls include damage type as well.

  • Identify tracking counts inside campaigns and add usage tracking. Patterns like (x/day) or (x/short or long rest).

  • Identify spell casting and allow casting spells from monsters. Either x/day each or full spellcasting blocks with slots. With spell slots spells can be upcast and concentration spells will track on the casting monster.

  • Monster creation now includes ability to add weapon attacks and spell casting blocks, by picking weapons and spells to automatically create the text that will be correctly parsed when playing.

  • AC can be set by picking armor to use.

  • Making changes to CR, or ability scores will automatically update the text for attacks and spells as well as AC to use correct proficiency and ability bonuses.

  • Editing of saves and skills provides a richer editing to make it easier to include proficiency.

  • Monsters handle new black flag rules for Stealth and monster blocks.

  • Adding conditions to monsters will now handle more of the condition modeling to enable things like changes to ability scores or AC (like mage armor).

  • Update Black Flag support including change from Ring to Circle for spells.

Enhance modeling of companions and shape change. Companions can now specify the companion adjustments in the feature/spell. Changes to proficiency will update the attacks/spells on the companions. Shape change includes more flexibility in how shape change works to better handle polymorph and new content options.

Companions are now displayed in the character list for players allowing them to be more richly interacted with by players (apply conditions/damage directly from chat).

Change behavior of GM dice rolls. Rename partial display to Hide Details. D20 roles don't show bonuses and damage rolls only show totals. This makes it easier for GMs to show the rolls so that Players can directly interact with the roles (apply damage) without showing all of the details.

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Darren Shakib Darren Shakib

Black Flag Prep, Wallpaper, Backgrounds

Some UI refresh, cleanup of character creation and setup for Black Flag Roleplaying/Tales of the Valiant

  • Streamline character creation. Option selection has been unified into Character Options (previous levels) dialog. This gives fewer clicks creating a character. Additionally, you can see new character level features.

  • The wallpaper in the background is now configurable:

    • Set globally in accounts page.

    • Set for a campaign/ruleset in the settings dialog.

    • Set for a template extension on the extension.

  • Make the wallpaper show through in more places.

  • New character sheet background options:

    • Clear: shows the wallpaper behind character sheet.

    • Custom: allows you to pick your own background from artwork.

  • Subclass configure options. Subclasses can now override the spell list from the base class.

  • Class/subclass can select multiple spell lists.

  • Clean up the new class dialog to separate creating new classes from subclasses.

  • New restrict option for shape change. "Shape Change" is now a valid activation name to enable a feature only during a shape change (wild shape as well).

  • Also includes groundwork for different game systems. More to come when we release Black Flag Roleplaying Alpha.

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