Modeling updates
Rework the user pick spells dialog and associated modeling:
Spell and cantrip counts as well as spell level now can be a number or a metaword allowing them the be variable. If spell level is a metaword then it it treated as a maximum rather than a specific spell level.
User pick can be used to create and utilize named spell lists. This can be used to select a set of spells with one feature that can then be picked from another feature. The list of spells to pick from can now included the name of a spell list. The user pick can also select into a named spell list. There is a new option for casting to only place spells into a named spell list.
The minimum casting level can be specified as well. This level can be a metaword allowing the value to change based on other features or based on level.
Reorganize the screen to make it a bit easier to deal with all of these new options.
Similar changes are now available with user pick custom as well.
The count can now be a metaword.
The custom pick can be placed into a named list and selected from a named list.
Note: that when the selection is placed into a named list that the features will not be activated on the custom entries selected.
Add new modeling to allow granting bonuses to passive insight and passive investigation.
Add the ability to copy a subclass from one class to another.