The best way to play D&D 5E,
virtually or in person
Play the game not the tool
Ready to play solution including the complete 5th edition System Reference Document (SRD), tokens for over 300 monsters, and a set of starter adventures is FREE for both players and Gamemasters.
Tasks are quick to complete and you never wait on the tool. Shard understands the rules to make it simple to perform common actions: creating characters, running encounters, managing your campaigns.
Works on any device for both online and in person play. No install or application configuration.
Tools to create all the core types including classes, races, backgrounds, monsters, spells, and more. Extensions enable content beyond traditional D&D settings (cosmic horror, sci-fi, superhero, …) with no programming required.
Whether you’re an experienced GM or a brand new player, Shard provides tools to let you prepare beforehand and adapt during play to let you enjoy focusing on your game, knowing that you can handle whatever happens.
Drop the paper and pencil and take advantage of a digital solution. Full character sheet makes it easy to build, level up and play characters. Quickly search all of your content or the web to find new options. Reuse your creations across campaigns.
Build characters, join campaigns, play, and track progress all in one integrated tool on any device. More info. Check out all the great options in our core content pack included with all subscriptions. Learn more: Create a character, Play a character in a campaign
Create campaigns, build your adventures, invite players, and run the game all in one integrated tool. Learn more: Creating your first campaign, Introduction to maps, Introduction to encounters, Using published adventures
Create content ranging from complete campaign settings to a single magic item, playable races, adventures, backgrounds, and more. More info.
Exploring the Cthulhu Mythos on Shard Tabletop