Dune Elves
The only sign that revealed Solaira’s presence amongst the sandy dunes was the briefest of glints in his eye, as he nocked an arrow to his bow…
Solaira, a Dune Elf
The desert-dwelling dune elves have forms that match other elves in height and weight. Their coloration is typically darker, ranging from warm tawny and golden shades to deep sepia tones. Their eyes are typically amber, brown, or black. Dune elf hair is usually shades of brown or black, though some have hair of a dark auburn or copper color.
Dune elves are canny survivors and hunters, aware of the precious resources and dire dangers of their harsh lands. They step lightly across the sands and seem to simply vanish right before one’s eyes, as if they were nothing more than a mirage conjured by the heat.
Roleplaying Tips.
Dune elves are a hardy folk, and like their cousins the frostfell elves, they have learned to adapt to the harsh environment of their homeland over centuries of time. Life among the dunes could result in a character who adheres to a frugal or even austere lifestyle, carefully monitoring their rations, and never leaving camp unprepared. On the other hand, if they are unfamiliar with the type of abundance often found in a bustling metropolis or more fertile lands, perhaps your character will dive headfirst into any luxury they can find, always opting for the nicest room at the inn. Either way, it is worth remembering that as an elf with a lifespan of up to 750 years, the personality and mindset of the dune elves is likely to be quite varied, with younger elves having a much different perspective than those in their later centuries.
Their ability to survive amid the hot, dry desert climates and move nimbly across sandy terrain that might slow down others makes them excellent forward scouts in any sort of desert environment. And being able to conjure minor natural phenomena to obscure them from view ensures they can remain unseen by even the most perceptive of creatures. When playing a dune elf, ask yourself why you left your home (if you did at all), and what’s one ritual or tradition that you’ve continued to practice since leaving?
The dune elves are one of the many races created by our partners at Kobold Press and available to subscribers in our Core Content Pack, along with others such as the Dhampir or the Spindrift Dwarves. Create your own dune elf character and tell us about it in the comments below or on any of our social channels.
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