Whether you are creating content for your own use or to share with friends or for publication in the marketplace, Shard provides all the tools you will need to create adventures, monsters, classes, races, or any of the other content types supported in 5e gaming. Organize your content into books and package it for sharing or for sale.

You can import docx files produced in Microsoft Word or Google Docs.

Video tutorials on creating books, races, and classes are available on the tutorials page with more.

A full description of modeling the character features is available here.

Instructions on how to package and share your creations is found here.

All the types lists in the reference section of the home page allow the creation of new instances. Just click on the entry you want and select new. In most cases, the new dialog supports copying from an existing entity to start the process. For example if you wanted to create a new monster that bares some similarity to a goblin, go to the Monsters reference page, select New, and choose Goblin as the creature to copy. You will get a fully editable stat block for your creature with the values for goblin already filled in.

The marketplace is open. If you want to publish your content on Shard, contact us at shard@shardtabletop.com. Our publishing contracts are non-exclusive, meaning you can publish your content in other non-exclusive markets as well. We also offer resources to help publishers with established catalogs get started offering Shard versions of their material. If you have your own storefront or sell through an outlet like Patreon, you can offer the Shard version of your creations there.