
Container items make it possible “store” an item inside of another item. There are a variety of ways to use containers:

  • Organize character sheet: over time as characters accumulate lots of loot, the character sheet can be cluttered making it difficult to find equipment that you use regularly. Using a backpack, chest, or bag of holding to store those infrequently needed items lets you keep those items around without the clutter.

  • Manage what you are carrying: instead of having the character carry all of those items the can be put in containers that aren’t directly carried. Put those items in saddle bags, in a wagon or cart, or in a place holder for a lair or hideout.

  • Package a set of items for sale or treasure: the classic Dungeoneer’s Pack or Priest’s Pack are examples. Players can than remove items to use them or add to the pack later.

Creating Containers

Any item type can be used as a container, just edit an item and set its container type. Once it is a container, add new items to it using the ADD CONTAINER ITEMs.

Container Type has three values:

  • None: item is not a container and nothing can be stored in it.

  • Hold items: item is a container and items can be stored inside. The total weight for the item has the base weight plus the weights of contained items.

  • Hold items with no additional weight: item is a container and items can be stored inside. The total weight for the item is just the weight of the item. The weights don’t matter for contained items, for example a Bag of Holding.

Contained items are shown along with the count. The total weight and value are shown as well.

Note: there are no enforced limits on the contained items. Generally there is some subjectivity on what actually fits and this is left up to players and gamemasters to decide what is ok.


Character Sheet

Containers have extra functions in the equipment section of the character sheet. If an item has contained items then the character sheet will show a + or - box that allows you to see the contained items directly.

Contained Items:

  • Cannot be equip’ed and will not show up in the actions or weapons sections.

  • Carry state is determined by the root container.

  • Quantity can be directly updated.

Note: containers can be inside of other containers.

When there is a container in the equipment list, the item menu includes the “Change Container” option. This option allows moving items between containers.

The change container dialog allows selection of how many items to move along with a dropdown list of all of the containers. There will not be an option to move an item into the container that it is already in.

Note: if the item is in a container then a “Directly Carried” option allows taking the item completely out of the container.

Containers in Treasure

When creating treasure it can be interesting to have a container that characters could just pick up and take, but that you don’t want to create lots of specialized containers. For these cases you can just create a one-off container. To do that start by adding just the container type, for example “Backpack”. Then, edit the item and add the contained items directly to the item included in the treasure.


Removing Equipment


Encumbrance & Carried Equipment