Encumbrance & Carried Equipment

The character sheet computes the total weight of carried equipment along with a simple notification about encumbrance.

The total weight carried shows the rounded weight to the nearest lb. The encumbrance shows the following values:

  • Over capacity: weight >3X the carry base.

  • Heavily encumbered: weight >2X the carry base.

  • Encumbered : weight > the carry base.

  • Just “carrying xxx lb.”: weight < the carry base.

The carry base follows the simple rules for calculating the carry capacity, 5 times strength adjusted by the character’s size.

  • Tiny: 50%

  • Small/Medium: 100%

  • Large: 2X

  • Huge: 4X

There are no additional modeling features to adjust this calculation. There are not adjustments automatically applied to characters based on encumbrance. This allows different groups to decide how they want to handle encumbrance.

Carried Items

To accurately calculate total weight of carried equipment, the carry column specifies if the items are carried or not. Items that are not carried don’t impact the character sheet.

  • Do not count towards weight.

  • Cannot be equip’ed.

  • Special abilities are not available. Bonuses are not automatically applied and features cannot be activated.

  • Can be attuned.

There are several reasons to keep an item on the character sheet but not have them carried.

  • They might be carried by a mount, pack animal or vehicle. The items would be close by but not directly carried.

  • The items might be stored at another location. It is useful to keep track of the items but not have them generally available. Note: that you may want to create a container item for the location to make it easy keep track of where the items are located.

  • If you aren’t using weight and encumbrance it might be helpful to mark items as not carried so that they don’t clutter the weapons and actions sections.

If you have more than one of an item there is not mechanism to set a portion of them as carried. If you need to do that then it may be necessary to add a container item and then move a portion to a container that is not carried.

For more information about containers see the containers learning article.




Item Quantities