Animated Dice
Animated dice are here! You can now see your rolls happening in their own customizable Dice Tray.

Shard Powers Activate
Agonizing Blast, Bardic Inspiration, and Sneak Attack
These features and 100s more now have built in automation to making playing the game on Shard easier than ever.
Today, we released a major update to the character sheet, chat, and the die roller. A new block on character consolidates actions, bonus actions, reactions, free actions, and features that modify or enhance other actions. It also incorporates active spell effects and conditions, both of which provide additional options or modify existing ones.

Dune Elves
The only sign that revealed Solaira’s presence amongst the sandy dunes was the briefest of glints in his eye, as he nocked an arrow to his bow…

Circle of the Weald
As Erym transformed into a ferocious bear, his attackers stepped back in fear, as antlers burst from his ursine skull and an exoskeleton of bark and bones emerged from the thick brown fur…

Safety First
Chat expands to support safety cards.
Let’s Get Chatty!
Users asked us about building chat into the application a lot over the last year or so. Our response was always, “When we can make it better than using an external chat application, we will…” I’m happy to report we figured that out and today “Chat” is going live.

College of Wyrdsingers
As Ael’wyn parried aside another thrust of the blade, she saw the weaves of the wyrd in her mind’s eye, and fought with renewed vigor, knowing today was not the day she would die…

Hinterfolk Halfling
Sefina dipped her finger into the blood, finding it still warm to the touch, and knew that her prey couldn’t be far. The clan would eat well tonight…

Grove Warden
Kylin placed a hand on the gnarled tree, eyes closed, as she expanded her awareness through the forest. She sensed five of them, about a mile north. Soon, her hunt would be at an end.

Courser (Wizard)
As the invisibility took hold, Maya’s foe looked around in confusion. Without missing a beat, she drew back her bowstring, imbued the arrow with a surge of magic, and sent it straight through the man’s heart.