Names, spells, and more

We just released enhancements to our built-in 5E character sheets.

The first enhancement is a name generator that will provide a default name for your character at the time of creation. This list is race and gender agnostic. Whether you decide to use that name, provide your own, or wait until a little later in process to rename, it all works seamlessly. In addition to the upfront name generator, we’ve also provided race and gender specific names for many of the races provided in the Shard Player’s Handbook. Those are displayed when you pick race, three options to choose from are provided. If you want a gender specific name, just check one of the boxes. Otherwise, all sets are blended to create the choices. Our recent twitter poll leads us to believe most of you will prefer a race and gender specific name, but providing both options was easy enough and eliminated that intimidating blank box when you press New Character.

The second set of the enhancements are part of a continuous effort to make the character sheet easier to read and navigate. All the features and abilities that stem from your race, background, or class(es) have been organized as such. Spells got the biggest visual make over and are now displayed as a table. Font choices in Expand mode were enhanced for readability and visual appeal.

Character Sheet.JPG

At the top of the sheet displayed above is an improvement to the character creation guide in the form of a prompt that says “Pick Cleric Spells.” Whenever you have fewer spells known or prepared than the character is allowed, a pick spells prompt will be displayed. This is also true for maneuvers, eldritch invocations, metamagic, and any other pick list oriented attribute on the character sheet. It helps new players to understand their choices and all players to make sure their character is using all their available features.

As always, we are striving to make Shard the best tool available for 5E. If you have feedback or comments, we would love to hear them. Join us on Discord or our Facebook Group or email us directly.

Happy adventuring!!


Dice, dice baby


Fate of Artanga