Dice, dice baby

Digital dice have arrived on Shard Tabletop. As with all things Shard, they are fully integrated and understand 5E rules like advantage, disadvantage, and criticals. Any time you roll a d20, the result window has the ability to add advantage or disadvantage to the roll. Any time you roll damage, the result window has a button to make it a critical.

For players, all the relevant sections of the character sheet now have clickable hot spots for dice rolls. Initiative, ability checks, saving throws, skills, attacks, damage and special abilities like sneak attack all have integrated dice rolls.

Character Dice.JPG

For DMs, monsters have the relevant rolls highlighted in their stat blocks.

Dice Monster.JPG

Spells got an upgrade to the spell dialog that shows your spell DC, attack bonus, and spellcasting ability modifier at the top of the window. To roll a spell attack, just click on the spell name to open the dialog and click the attack roll at the top of the dialog. The damage dice are highlighted directly in the text of the spell, just click the inserted die icon to roll the damage.

Dice Spell.JPG

When you are playing online, you can see your own rolls and those of the other players. We think that brings back some of the shared experience of setting at the table together. The Dungeon Master’s rolls are hidden (behind the screen as it were).

For content creators, when you author a spell or monster that has a dice roll, just remember to bold the entry and follow the standard patterns (+5, 3d6, 2d8 + 4, etc.) and Shard will automatically insert the appropriate dice roll hot spot.

In the near future, we will be adding 3D dice animation and sound effects for the dice.

Playtest feedback so far has been awesome. Tell us what you think on Discord or Facebook, or email us directly.

Happy adventuring! Let the good dice roll.


Underground Oracle joins the party


Names, spells, and more