All the pretty dice

Players and game masters alike often add a little personality to their game with the dice they choose. Some players have a separate set for each character they play. I personally have a collection of dice I use to GM and a separate collection I use when I play. Never shall they meet.

With that in mind, we wanted to revisit our dice roller implementation and let players and GMs bring that same flair to the virtual tabletop. With the update that went live today, players can choose from among several sets of dice by clicking on their character’s name in adventure mode and selecting Pick Dice. GMs can do the same in the adventure window by clicking on the campaign name and selecting the Pick Dice. This allows players to match dice to their characters and GMs to have a separate set of dice for each campaign.

During the beta period, you can choose from the build in sets shown below. At launch, subscribers will be able to find additional sets in the marketplace to add to their collection.

Digital Dice.JPG

We also implemented several new features based on feedback from our players and GMs. The dice tray has found a home at the bottom of the character sheet and no longer floats on top of the sheet. For the GM, it’s anchored at the bottom of the initiative tracker. The tray is more compact and takes advantage of the full width of the sheet to show all the new dice. If you want to see the history, just click the arrow to pop it open. History has a scroll bar, so that you can scroll back to see previous rolls.

Dice Tray.JPG

Advantage, Disadvantage, and Critical Hit buttons are all in the tray at the appropriate times. For advantage and disadvantage we now show both dice with a strike through line across the one that is not used.

If you need to re-roll a die, just click on the dice. A flyout will appear that allows you to click on individual die to re-roll it. This is fantastic for features like Great Weapon Fighting, Lucky, or Empowered Spell. You can also click on any entry in the history to see the flyout and make modifications as needed.

dice flyout.JPG

Last, but certainly not least, GMs now have the option to show their rolls, click on the campaign name in adventure mode and select Show GM Dice. To hide them again, repeat the process selecting Hide GM Dice.

As always, we love your feedback. Join us on on Discord or Facebook to meet other members of the community and take your game to the next level.

You can also follow us on Twitter @shardtabletop for regular updates on what we are doing.


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