Ping and Measure

What’s that over there? Is that monster in range? How far to there? New pointing and measuring tools have arrived. Today, we released two new tools that can be used together or separately.

The Ping tool allows you to click and hold anywhere on the map and have a circular indicator flash on each other players screen. For players, the circle is orange. For GMs, the circle is red. The animation here shows it in action.

Shard Tabletop - Ping.gif

The Measure tool activates when you move any token on the board. It shows the distance from the token’s previous position to it’s new position. It is shown during the move to all players. The animation below shows measure in action on a monster token.

Shard Tabletop - Move Monster Token.gif

Measure also works for spell tokens. Since spell tokens are added to the board centered on their caster, its now really easy to find the limits of your casting range. Shown below.

Shard Tabletop - Spell Token Move.gif

Finally, the two tools can be used together to measure distances without moving any tokens. In the example shown below, I pressed and held on the Stone Giant’s token until ping showed up and then dragged my cursor (or finger on a touchscreen) to measure the distance to my intended target for a ranged weapon attack with a rock.

Shard Tabletop - Ping and Measure.gif

These tools are live now. Enjoy!

As always, we love your feedback. Join us on on Discord or Facebook to meet other members of the community and take your game to the next level.

You can also follow us on Twitter @shardtabletop for regular updates on what we are doing.


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