A little randomness…

Many adventures have a certain element of randomness to them. Sometimes its the players that cause it. Other times its the DM. More often that not the adventure designer plans for a bit of randomness by adding random encounters.

This week, we added support for random encounter tables both in design mode and in adventure mode. To help you take advantage of these new features, we also added a new book to everyone’s library called Random Encounters. In it, you will find instructions for creating your own random encounter tables and the first in a series of chapters that will added to the book in the coming weeks.

random 2.JPG

This screenshot, shows invoking an encounter from the book. You can change the creature counts individually or re-roll. When you hit add they will be added to the tracker and the center of the map. Move the tokens where you want them, make them visible to the players and you are all set.

This week’s chapter is Forest Encounters. The chapter contains two random encounter tables designed for use in a forest and two forest battle maps. One of the tables is geared toward first and second level characters, the other third and fourth level.

Over the coming weeks, the book will be updated with additional chapters covering each of the common terrain types each with its own tables and maps. The maps include one with a campsite and one without, so that they can easily be used in either static or travel situations.

The campsite could for your characters and the action comes to find them or it could be for the creatures they encounter or you get creative and have a third group camped there and the hears someone under attack in the distant and swoops in to rescue one side or the other. The travel map is equally versatile.


Running a one shot can be as easy as choosing a reason or goal for your group to be traveling the forest and three or four rolls on a random encounter table. Not convinced? Here’s a few hooks for you:

  • Searching for a child that has become lost in the forest

  • Seeking the advice of a hermit that lives in these woods before your next big adventure

  • Transporting something or someone through the forest

Jump in and give it a try. We would love to hear your feedback in all the usual places (Twitter, Facebook, Discord, or email).


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