Packaging Content for Sharing

Once you have created a book, you can package it and the other content it references for sharing. From your Account page (accessed via the menu in upper right), select My Packages. On the my packages page, select New and the package details dialog will appear. The only required field on this dialog is the name of the package. Once you fill in the name, the BUILD button at the bottom of the dialog will be enabled.

Clicking BUILD allows you to Pick Books. The books select act as a manifest for the package. The package will contain:

  1. The text of the book.

  2. Any artwork, maps, classes, races, etc. attached to the sections of the book via Pick Content.

  3. Any pins and encounters that are attached to sections of the book.

  4. Any monsters referenced by those encounters.

Selecting the books automatically creates a manifest of the content available to be included in the package. If some of that content may already be included in other packages. If so, you need to decide whether to embed or reference that content. If you embed that content, then package will be usable without any dependencies. If you reference the content, then this new package will have a dependency on the other package in order to function properly. A common example here is that creatures for a monster book may be referenced by the encounters in an adventure. The consumer of the adventure will need the monster book in order to play those encounters.

Once you have decided what content to embed and what content to reference, you build the package by pressing the BUILD button.

Once a package is built it may be shared (subscriber only feature) or included in a product listing for the marketplace (publisher only feature).


Tip: Apply Damage Rolls


Enable Extensions