Feature Actions

Feature actions allows features to expose structured actions that display on the character sheet much like weapons or spells. This makes it easier for players to use features without having to read the feature text and manually apply the effects. Here are some examples of how feature actions can be used:

  • Expose action that includes an attack, save or damage.

  • Activate features that modify character abilities.

  • Consume usage counts for features with limited uses.

  • Activate features that modify character abilities for a limited time with turn tracking count down.

Action Configuration

Feature configuration includes a button “User Action” to enable an action for a feature. The feature will display an action on the character sheet.

The action type determines the behavior of the action:

  • Effect: perform an action that has an effect when used. The effect can include an attack roll, save, damage, healing or conditions that can be applied.

  • Activate Ability: activates an ability that enables new features for the character for a limited amount of time.

  • Shape Change: change the shape of the character using the shape change / wild shape rules.

  • Summon Companion: Summon companions that will be added as companions on the character sheet.

  • Convert Spell Slots: Allows converting feature usage or named usage (ie. Sorcery Points) to and from spell slots.

  • Create Item: Allows you to activate a feature that creates a modified version of an item from a character’s equipment list or to create a new modified item for a character.

Common Fields

All actions have some fields in common:

  • Consume count: number of resource unites that are consumed when performing this action. Note: if insufficient resources are available then the activation will be disabled.

  • Consume on action: determines what type of resource is consumed.

    • Uses: consumes uses that are configured for the feature.

    • Spell Slots: consumes spell slots. Note: the count determines the spell level.

    • Hit Dice: consumes hit dice. For multiclass characters with different hit dice sizes the user can choose which hit dice to consume. Note: when hit dice are used an additional meta word of {hit dice} is available. The value is the size of the hit dice picked from the character.

  • Activation: determines what type of action is required to activate the action.

    • none: does require a specific type of action.

    • action / bonus action / reaction / free action

  • Range: range to display on the character sheet. Note: this is not available for shape change, or create item.

  • Action Notes: this is a rich text field that will be shown in the notes for the action. It can include brief directions. Bold text of rolls to allow user to click to roll.


Effects provide actions similar to a weapon attack or spell effect. The effect happens immediately when the character uses the action. Not every field needs to have a value specified.

Effect Fields:

  • Attack Bonus: when this field is filled in an attack roll will be provided for the action. The filled value will modify a D20 roll. If you just want a plain D20 roll then type “+0”. Note: meta words can be used with {}.

  • Save Type: Save type indicates the ability that the target of the action should make.

    • Save Ability: this will display when a save type has been set. The value indicates that character ability that will be used to calculate the save.

  • Effect Roll: a dice string for a roll or just a fixed number that will be rollable by the user.

  • Effect Type: determines the type of the effect based on the effect roll.

    • Damage types: effect roll will trigger damage of the selected damage type.

    • Heal: effect will trigger healing.

    • Bonus: effect will allow the roll to display as a bonus for a roll modifier.

    • Penalty: effect will allow the roll to display as a penalty (minus the value) for a roll modifier.

There are also some additional action options that can be configured with buttons:

  • Extra Damage: some actions apply damages of different types. The extra damage button allows different damage rolls for each damage type that are applied in addition to any effect damage.

  • Temp HP: apply temporary hit points as part of the action. In addition to the temp hp roll, a duration field allows setting the duration for how long the temp hp will be available on the target. Note: the duration can include meta words.

  • Apply Conditions: included conditions that can be applied as part of effect. All conditions are applied together using the same duration.

    • Select predefined conditions

    • Create feature defined conditions. Each condition can have a full set of features defined that are applied as part of the condition. The name of the feature defines the name of the condition. Any meta words are resolved based on the character using the action.

    • Duration of the conditions. Pick from predefined list or type in your own value including using meta words.

  • Add Uses: allows the effect to add uses to a named usage value.

  • Extra Use Effect: configure dice that are added to the effect roll for each additional use / spell level / hit dice.

  • Extra Use Temp HP: configure dice that are added to the temp hp roll for each additional use / spell level / hit dice.

  • Remove Condition: remove a named condition when the effect is used. If the condition has a level the value decreases by 1.

  • Remove Activated Ability: remove a named active ability when the effect is used.

Activate Ability

Activate an ability that enables new features for the character for a limited amount of time. Activation ability will display a dialog to configure any user selectable options if there are options to set.


  • Duration: duration ability will be activated. If no duration is specified then the ability will stay active until user deactivates the ability. Note: user can type a value that can include meta words.

There are also some additional options that can be configured with buttons:

  • Activated Abilities: feature definition of abilities that will be activated. Note: any feature description will be shown in extra notes only when activated.

  • Activation Name: specify the name of the activated action. This name can be used as a restriction to selectively enable other features only when this action is active.

  • Apply Conditions: conditions shown in chat. Same as effect conditions.

  • Temp HP: apply temporary hit points as part of activation. In addition to the temp hp roll, a duration field allows setting the duration for how long the temp hp will be available on the target. The temp hp just shows in the chat and are not automatically applied. Note: the duration can include meta words.

Shape Change

Change the shape of the character using the shape change / wild shape rules. Note: a character can only have a single shape change active at the same time independent of the source of the shape change.


  • Duration: duration of the shape change. If no duration is specified then the shape change will stay active until user deactivates. Note: user can type a value that can include meta words.

  • Monster restriction fields enable a restricted set of options for the user to select. If no filter values are set then the user can pick from any monster.

    • Filtered List: pick from a subset of all monsters using filter criteria. The monsters must match all specified criteria.

      • Maximum CR: select the maximum CR.

      • Monster Types: choose which monsters types are available to choose from. Match if monster is any of the selected types.

      • Exclude Movement: select all monsters that do not have any of the selected movement types. For example: exclude swimming and flying monsters.

    • Pick Monsters: choose a specific list of monsters for the user to choose from. The user will also get to select from any monsters that also match the filtered list.

  • Add Level Options: allows for a different set of pick options based on the level of the character. The user will get the option of the highest level configuration that is less than their level.

Summon Companion

Summon companions that will be added as companions on the character sheet.

  • Monster restriction fields enable a restricted set of options for the user to select. If no filter values are set then the user can pick from any monster.

    • Filtered List: pick from a subset of all monsters using filter criteria. The monsters must match all specified criteria.

      • Maximum CR: select the maximum CR.

      • Monster Types: choose which monsters types are available to choose from. Match if monster is any of the selected types.

      • Exclude Movement: select all monsters that do not have any of the selected movement types. For example: exclude swimming and flying monsters.

    • Pick Monsters: choose a specific list of monsters for the user to choose from. The user will also get to select from any monsters that also match the filtered list.

  • Add Level Options: allows for a different set of pick options based on the level of the character. The user will get the option of the highest level configuration that is less than their level.

  • Count By CR: specifies how many creatures are summoned based on the CR of the creature selected. If count not specified then the user just summons a single monster.

Convert Spell Slots

This option allows features that create spell slots from uses (ie Sorcery Points) or to create uses from spell slots. The uses are inherited from the feature of the action. To use a named usage value, set the name of the usage value on the base feature. Note: name usage values also support class Custom Level Attributes.

  • Convert to spells: click the checkbox to create spells from uses and unclick to create uses from spell slots.

  • Level Counts: specify the number of uses for each level. Setting a zero will disallow conversions with that level spell.

Create Item

This option allows the action to create (summon) a modified item or modify the abilities of an existing item. An example of this would be a Warlock’s pact weapon which might summon a weapon out of nothing or add new abilities to an existing weapon. The “Require Attunement” determines if the weapon will require attunement after it is created.

There are two steps to defining a create item. First select what item will be modified and then to pick how the item is modified. The “Create item type” field specifies the selection type:

  • Create a specific item: choose an existing item to create with modified abilities. The player will not get to make a selection and will just have a new item show up in equipment.

  • Pick an item to transform: allows the user to select from their equipment list or from the full item list to select an item. Additional fields allow define which items are available for selection.

    • Name: comma separated list of names for items. Items will match if one of the strings is included in the name of the item, case insensitive.

    • Rarity: specify the rarity values possible for the item.

    • Item type: specify the item types possible for the item.

    • Properties: specify the properties that the item must have.

    • Exclude properties: specify properties that the item cannot have.

    • Match if some match: if selected the filter will match if the item matches one of the filter values specified (name, rarity, item type, properties) otherwise the item must meet all of the criteria.

The selected item will have abilities added from the Item Magical Abilities section. Extra notes will be added to any existing extra notes. Always proficient will allow the character to be proficient with the item even if they wouldn’t normally. The rest of the properties work the same as the item edit dialog.

Create item can also vary the abilities that are added to the created item. Specify the level that the new abilities start. The option with the highest level that is less than the character’s level will be used.

When the action is ended manually or when the duration ends, the magical abilities will be removed from the item if the action modified an existing item from the equipment list and if it is completely new the item will be removed from the equipment list.

Roll Modifiers

Roll modifiers allow rolls to be modified after they have been rolled. There a variety of effects that can be used to modify rolls to do things like: add or subtract an additional roll from an attack or save, add additional damage, or counteract damage. Roll modifiers will automatically be shown when clicking the + to show modifiers. Effects that have an effect without an attack or save that have appropriate effect types are shown.

  • D20 rolls show effects that have a bonus or penalty type.

  • Damage rolls show effects that have a blank effect type, a know damage type or a reduce damage type.

Using the effect will allow selection of how many uses to consume and will consume any uses when applied.


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