Buying Equipment
In addition to just adding equipment to a character sheet, players can choose to buy the equipment using coins or other currency that they have. From the character sheet, click the ADD button in the equipment section to start the buy experience.
Then select what you would like to purchase in the item picker, including how many. When equipment is selected, click the BUY button.
The purchase dialog completes the purchase process. All of the selected items are shown with the purchase count. The purchase amount section shows all of the currency for the current character along with calculated quantities of each currency to fully buy the items. Changing the quantity of any of the items will adjust the purchase amounts and the MORE… button allows the selection of additional items.
There are two ways to negotiate the purchase amount.
Click the percentage of purchase amount shown in the Purchase Amount row. This allows you to pay less or more and automatically calculate the purchase amount.
Manually adjust the quantity of different currencies. The purchase amount will show the calculated percentage of value.
If currencies need to be exchanged for the purchase then there may be change returned. Players can adjust this as well.
There are a few ways to roleplay the shopping experience.
The gamemaster may just give a purchase percentage amount and let players shop as much as they like.
The gamemaster might negotiate the purchase percentage based on the quantity, potentially based on character skill checks.
The player could offer some specific number of coins and let the gamemaster decide if they are accepted.
Note that the shopping experience could be driven by either the player or the gamemaster, by either player clicking the add/buy buttons or by having the gamemaster go to the players character sheet and clicking the add/buy buttons.