Spindrift Dwarves
Hemera shouts ‘Land Ho!’ After days adrift with storm torn sails, she rouses the other members of her clan. The Saltbeards are saved.
This is the first of a series of posts to introduce you to the races and classes included in every Shard subscription as part of the Core Content Pack. Today, we focus on a new dwarven subrace, the Spindrift Dwarf.
Hemera Saltbeard, dwarven corsair
While most dwarves ensconce themselves in the earth, spindrift dwarves have a bond with the ocean, and many spend most of their lives at sea. Spindrift dwarves tend to be slightly taller and slimmer than their landlubber cousins. Their hair and beards are lightened by exposure to sun and salt, often tied or braided against the wind. Many are comfortable barefoot and typically wear loose clothing that doesn’t hinder their work.
Spindrift dwarves settle on islands and mainland coasts, always in areas with natural harbors. Certain clans rarely come ashore at all, spending their lives on ships at sea, coming into port only when necessity dictates. There are even stories of spindrift dwarves that live on artificial islands made of ships lashed together—both seaworthy and not—along with other bits of flotsam and jetsam.
Spindrift dwarves are one of the many races available to subscribers. Build your own spindrift dwarf and tell us about it here or on any of our social channels.
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