Smart Fog

This week we added additional tools to DM interface to allow for smoother and more dynamic fog while maintaining ease of use and your ability to just load a map image and go.

The first tool is a new fog removal brush. Rather than unfogging by drawing rectangles, the brush allows you to set a size and literally brush away the fog. Along with this tool, we also softened the edge transition from the revealed to fogged areas, giving things a softer and more pleasing look.

The second tool is the ability to define fog regions. This tool allows you to draw arbitrary polygons that define the boundaries of a fog area. They could be rooms or halls or any other barrier that would impede the characters sight. Once the regions are created, you can click on a region and unfog the entire region.


The real power comes when you combine the two tools. The brush respects the region boundaries, so brushing down a hall or into a room reveals an area based on a brush size, but only to the boundaries. This combination is what we call Smart Fog. It allows the DM to control what’s visible to the players in very smart and ease to use way.

We think you’ll find these tools either independently or together give you a very pleasant map reveal experience.


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