Create and Share

We just released a set of features that make it even easier for you to create new content (races, classes, backgrounds, …) and share that content with your players.

Creating: To make creating things even easier, we reorganized the home screen to make all the different things you can create visible in the Reference section. Just click on any of the menu items to get a page showing the existing list of items with a New button at the top. Your creations are also now accessible across all of your campaigns and accessible via the My Creations button in Reference section of the home page.

New Home Screen.JPG

Sharing: When you invite players to a campaign, any player facing content (races, classes, etc.) you have created will automatically be visible to your players. They can use that content during character creation, spell selection, leveling up, and so on. When they are on the player version of the Campaign screen your creations will also appear when they search. They do not see planned encounters, the text of any books you’ve created, or any other DM specific content.

We hope you enjoy these changes. Keep the feedback coming and join us over on Discord to connect directly with us and other members of the community.

Thanks and happy adventuring!

Coming Soon: The first steps of packaging content for use outside your own campaigns and publishing to the marketplace are starting to make their way into the application. They are carefully hidden at the moment, so use with extreme caution. Packaging things removes them from My Creations, so they won’t be visible to your players at the moment. More enhancements are on the way to make publishing your content a robust experience and controlling what packaged content is shared with players.




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