More and Less Sharing

Today’s release makes it easier for players to use all of the character options (classes, races, backgrounds, …) they own or create when playing in any campaign and easier for gamemasters to keep their unique monsters and magic items a secret.

For a while now, players have been able to take advantage of all of the cool character options that the GM creates. Unfortunately, until now the players haven’t been able to use the things that they own or that they have created while in a campaign without jumping through hoops to share it with the GM. With this release players can now not only use all of their own character options, everyone in the campaign will be able to see and interact with those options on the character sheet. No extra setup required, just build your characters and they will work in the campaign.

On the other side of the screen, GMs have been frustrated that players have been able to see the special monsters and items they created. Players could search or browse to find monster stat blocks or complete magic item descriptions. This release fixes that. Players can still see information when needed, but cannot browse or search for the content any longer. Note: books, encounters, maps, and artwork have always been hidden from players.

We continue make good progress towards completing the marketplace to be ready soon after the Kickstarter completes. Some of the changes to support the marketplace have already been included in recent updates. In addition to these sharing changes, some people have also noticed new options when building packages. In order to help people protect their creations when the marketplace opens, there is a new option when building a package to protect the content. This allows you to still do all of the campaign sharing and build new variations of packaged content that you have always been able to do, but it prevents users from repackaging and sharing that content with others. Instead packages can reference the content and once the marketplace opens we will be able to give users options to acquire the dependencies in just a few clicks.




The Magic of Mardi Gras!