Improved Character Sheet

Based on some great feedback from users, an update to the character sheet has been posted. We heard that it was hard to find skills and savings throws when displayed as a simple text list. As a result the new character sheet now displays those values in a tabular format. We also moved languages and senses to make them easier to read as well.


Players also found some cases where the stats and data was incorrect for some races, backgrounds and classes. This update contains fixes to known problems, but please continue to let us know when you find something that doesn’t work as expected.

We have also heard from users that picking ability scores and entering character descriptions wasn’t easy. Key information from the class description about what ability scores matter most, or racial information about height, weight or age wasn’t readily available requiring lots of switching back and forth between pages. The new version includes hints about ability scores when picking ability scores and summary of key racial data when setting character descriptions.

Keep the feedback coming!



Better with Links


Token Pilot Project