Frostfell Elves

Illaryl stepped nimbly atop the snowdrift, leaving hardly a trace. While most would find the frigid air uncomfortable, she reveled in it. She had lived in these mountains all her life, and was as much a part of them as the snow upon their towering peaks…

Ilaryl, a Frostfell Elf

Ilaryl, a Frostfell Elf

Frostfell elves live in high mountainous or arctic regions, areas that are deep with snow through most of the year or locked in permafrost. They are tenacious survivors, accustomed to living off the land and surviving on the slim bounty of their cold home.

They have ivory skin, often tinted blue in varying degrees. Hair color is usually stark white or pale blonde, though about one in ten have hair that is a deep blue-black in color. They commonly have eyes of blue or green, ranging from pale shades that appear almost white to deep, rich shades.

Roleplaying Tips.
Frostfell elves are a reclusive people, and spending a life in harsh, wintry environments means that they may not always be the most chipper of companions. Like most elves, they valued freedom, variety, and self-expression, and tend to be more chaotic in nature. With a lifespan of up to 750 years or more, a frostfell elf could be a young, optimistic explorer who left their home in search of adventure, or a grizzled veteran, with centuries of hard-won battles in their past. Their intrinsic resistance to the cold, as well as their ability to craft basic tools or weapons from ice and snow makes them invaluable companions for any party that might find themselves in arctic climates, and adventuring parties have benefitted from their services as a scout or guide through dangerous mountain passes. When playing a frostfell elf, ask yourself why you left your home (if you did at all), and what’s one item you’ve chosen to bring with you to remember where you came from?

The frostfell elves are one of the many races created by our partners at Kobold Press and available to subscribers in our Core Content Pack, along with others such as the Dhampir or the Spindrift Dwarves. Create your own frostfell elf character and tell us about it in the comments below or on any of our social channels.

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