Way of the Dragon Spirit
Zulo called upon the spirit of the wind dragon as he deftly weaved through the volley of arrows. Lightning crackled around him as he leapt atop the wall, scattering the archers with a flurry of blows, and clearing the way for the rest of his party.
Zulo, a Monk following the Way of the Dragon Spirit
Monks who follow the Way of the Dragon Spirit spend months or even years adapting their fighting styles to a specific type of dragon. They often study at monasteries dedicated to their chosen dragon spirit, and once trained, travel far and wide, rarely settling in one place for long.
These monks can attune to one of five types of dragons: ghost, imperial, light, void, and wind, and gain unique abilities depending on which they choose to follow. In addition to gaining proficiency in a certain skill, they can also imbue their strikes with the associated element of their dragon spirit. For example, those attuned to the wind dragon gain a proficiency in Acrobatics, and can deal lightning damage with their attacks. The most powerful among the Way of the Dragon Spirit can manifest even more powerful draconic powers, such as the ability to temporarily take flight or cover their body with protective scales.
Roleplaying Tips.
Monks who choose to pursue the Way of the Dragon Spirit likely have a deep reverence for their chosen spirit, but may exhibit that reverence in a variety of ways. They could be the strong, silent type, often found meditating during the party’s downtime. Or instead, they could be loud and gregarious, telling great tales of ancient monks who once fought side by side with a dragon companion. In either case, their years of training have most likely instilled in them a great sense of discipline and duty, and when they commit to a cause, it is unlikely they will stray from it. The nomad is a fitting background for these monks, given their tendency to travel. Additionally, a monk that fell out of favor with their order may have turned to the life of a mercenary recruit or a fugitive, using their powers for more self-serving purposes.
The Way of the Dragon Spirit was created by our partners at Kobold Press explicitly for the Core Content Pack. It is one of the many subclasses available to subscribers, along with others like the Oath of Radiance or Sword-Dancer as well as races such as the Shade or Spindrift Dwarf. Build your own Way of the Dragon Spirit monk and tell us about it in the comments below or on any of our social channels.
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