Player Content Sharing Enabled!

Our latest release includes the ability for players to share their content library with the campaigns they play in. On the campaign menu, you will see a new option for Share Library.

For sharing to work either the GM or the player must have a Gamemaster or Gamemaster Pro subscription. Free accounts can share with one campaign, as long as the GM has a GM or GM Pro subscription. Adventurer subscribers can share with up to three campaigns, again as long as the GM has a GM or GM Pro subscription. Gamemaster and Gamemaster Pro subscribers can share with five campaigns without any limitation on the subscription level of the GM.

Our goal here was to provide more flexibility around how you can make use of the content you purchase. It’s no longer the sole responsibility of the Gamemaster to provide all the content for a campaign. The players can now contribute and when the campaign ends, move on to share with the next table.

This new feature has no effect on the existing features that automatically share the gamemaster’s content with the players in their campaigns, it just provides one more way for you to share your content as a player.

For full details on this feature, see this how to article.

We hope you enjoy it. All feedback welcome. Join on one of our social media forums or comment below to share your thoughts.


Travel Domain


Way of the Still Waters