Conditions and Hero Abilities

Today’s update to Shard brings new tools to the table top.

Conditions: We expanded the modeling of conditions and now allow players or GMs to set them directly on the character sheet. Conditions have always allowed built in things like unconscious, prone, and stunned to be set from the initiative tracker and have a duration. Now you can set them directly on the character sheet by clicking the character name and selecting Add Condition.

In addition to duration, you can also set the following properties of a condition:

Level: This allows you to model things like Exhaustion.

AC Bonus: This allows you to model Shield and other similar defensive spells.

Damage Bonus: Useful for abilities like Rage.

You can also attach a spell to a condition, so that you can easily reference the on-going effects of any spell from which a character or monster is suffering or benefiting.

Add Condition.JPG

Hero Abilities: We’ve had feedback from many players and GMs that grant feats and other kinds of abilities to characters for particularly heroic acts or sometimes just to enhance the fun at their table. Shard now supports this. On the character sheet, click on the character name and Hero Abilities in the drop down menu. The dialog that appears will list any existing Hero Abilities and allow you to add to the list. Clicking Add will give you the choices shown below.

Pick Hero Ability.JPG

As always, we love your feedback. Join us on on Discord or Facebook to meet other members of the community and take your game to the next level.

You can also follow us on Twitter @shard1982 for regular updates on what we are doing.


Visual Indicators and More Tokens


Maps, Maps, Glorious Maps