Character Visibility

Shard Game Masters have asked for a way to set the visibility and edit-ability of character sheets and now they can. This option is now one of several that you can select on the new Campaign Settings dialog.

The campaign menu (accessed by clicking on the campaign name in the main adventure screen) now has a new Settings entry that consolidated some of the old menu options and added a few new ones. The Campaign Settings dialog is shown here and each option is explained below.

Campaign Settings.JPG

Change Name. Press the button to give the campaign a new name.

Character Sheet Visibility. There are three options.

  1. Players can view and modify all characters. This option also allows players to move each others tokens on the map.

  2. Players can view but not modify all characters. This makes other players’ character sheets read only. Players can only edit their own and move their own token.

  3. Players can only view their own characters. A player can not even open another player’s character sheet and only see the character name and token in the list view. Everyone must move their own token.

Display (or Hide) GM dice rolls. Toggle this setting to show or hide the Game Master’s dice rolls. All previous rolls are shown or hidden when the setting changes.

Pick Dice. Press the button to choose a new set of dice for the GM.

Invite Players. Generates an invitation link to the campaign that you can share with players to allow them to join.

Active Packages. As you acquire more and more content, you may not want to use it all in every campaign. This button brings up a list of all the packages you own and allows you to enable or disable them for this campaign. For example, disabling the plasma rifles and other sci-fi options for your fantasy campaigns and vice versa.

These tools are live now. Enjoy!

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