Named Values

There are many cases where values are defined that vary by character level. These values are then referenced to describe how a feature behaves, for example: rage bonus, or sneak attack die. In addition to displaying these values, they can be used to modify the behavior of feature actions.

Definition of Named Values

There are a couple of places that named values can be defined:

  • Class custom attribute values can be defined as a “Display Value”. These values are displayed in the class table for of the class. The attribute name will be used as the name of the value.

  • Feature “Display Values by Level”. These values are displayed with the feature if it is shown on the character sheet. To use the value for more than just displaying with the feature, a “Value Name” must be set to define the name of the value.

These both define a numeric value. Each of these allow the specification of prefix and/or suffix text values. When the value is displayed the prefix string is shown before the number and the suffix string is shown after the number.

Meta Words

Named values can be used when defining string dice rolls as meta words. To insert a meta word wrap the name with {}, for example {sneak attack}d6. If a named value is defined my multiple features or attributes the value will be the largest defined named value.

Meta words also support basic math operations. The meta word can be followed by * or / to multiply or divide the number. Divide will round down to the next lowest whole number. For example: {proficiency*2} or {level/2}

Available as meta words:

  • Ability bonuses: {str}, {dex}, {con}, {int}, {wis}, {cha}

  • Ability bonuses minimum of 1: {str1}, {dex1}, {con1}, {int1}, {wis1}, {cha1}

  • Character level: {level}

  • Class level: {<class name> level} for example {bard level}

  • Proficiency bonus: {proficiency}

  • Named values: {<value name>} for example {sneak attack}

Places where meta words can be used:

  • Actions: Attack Bonus / Effect Roll / Duration / Extra Damage / Temp HP

  • Item Modifiers: Extra Damage

  • Roll Modifier

  • Items: Damage / Damage two-handed / Effect

  • Spells: effects / uplevel effects


Spell Modeling


Usage Values