Character Link Actions

Character link actions allow users to shape change or add companions and items to character sheets when viewing monsters and items.


Rich text descriptions have the ability to link to monsters, items in addition to other entries in Shard. Clicking these links will display the information allowing you to quickly view the information. Note: See Shard Linking in Rich Text on how to create these links.

While quickly viewing this information can be useful, being able to perform actions makes it easy to keep your game moving. When viewed from a character sheet monsters and items have additional actions.

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Monster Details

Click SHAPE CHANGE to shape change the character into the monster. Note: same as wild shape.

Click ADD COMPANION to add the monster as a companion creature to the character sheet. Useful to add a pet, familiar or to summon a creature. You will be able to select how many to add.

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Item Details

Click ADD TO EQUIPMENT to add the item to the character’s equipment list. You will be able to select how many to add.


While viewing you character sheet you can use the search box to quickly find a monster or item.

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Creating Content

When creating content there are a few things that you can do to leverage these abilities to make it easier for users.

  • For features that activate or leverage a specific set of items, make sure to link the items and show the feature on the character sheet so that players can click the links to see the items and add them to their character sheet.

  • For shape change or wild shape features, include links to the monsters that can be used or at least to the few most common options.

  • For summon or shape change spells, include links to the monsters that can be summoned or at least to the few most common options.


TIP: Encounter Difficulty


Random Tables