Travel Domain
Murray’s companion stumbled to the ground muttering, “I’m not sure how much longer I can keep this up, Mur.” The old cleric placed a hand on her shoulder, imbuing her with a wave of divine invigorating energy. As she stood, her shoulders slightly less bowed, he smiled and said, “I think you’ve got a few more miles in you yet, old friend.”

Way of the Still Waters
To Jin, the man’s fist moved as slowly as if it were underwater. He used the turbulent motions against his opponent, empowering his next strike, and rendering him unconscious with a single blow.

Urban Halflings
Cosmo bumped into the finely dressed nobleman, gesturing wildly with one hand in an apology, while he pocketed the bulging coin purse with the other. Before the man knew it was gone, the halfling had already blended back into the crowd…

Path of the Ancestors
As Balgrim raged, he called upon his ancestors, feeling their strength flow into his limbs, as he began a terrifying dance of death across the battlefield…

Varin magically snuffed out the single torch held by the cultists, before stepping through the darkness and appearing in their midst, a blur of shadow and blades…

School of Necrophagy
Cyrus sank his teeth into the heart of the recently deceased cleric, and within moments, he knew the man’s deepest secrets, as clearly as he did his own…

The Hunter in Darkness
Zam stepped into the shadows, emerging from behind his prey and sinking a dagger into his spine. He cleaned the blood from his blade, and knew that his patron would be pleased tonight.

Vampire Slayer
After days of tracking, Duffy had finally located the vampire’s place of rest. She readied a stake as she pried off the lid of the coffin, only to find it empty. “Now, now, you didn’t expect it to be that easy, did you?”, sneered a voice behind her. Duffy smiled, gripping the stake, “On the contrary, I was hoping you’d be awake…”

College of Echoes
Tyn’s partner unleashed an explosive spell, blasting the vault door off its hinges. However, the sound of the explosion was dampened thanks to Tyn’s abilities, and the guards a floor above heard no more than a small rumble…

Circle of the Spirits
Aeden turned to her spirit guide, a shadowy raven on her shoulder, “Grant me your vision, ancient one, and guide me to the proper path.” Her eyes went milky white, as the raven soared off into the sky above, and Aeden’s vision along with it…