Custom Pact Boons

We released a content update to the Shard Player’s Guide this morning that makes Warlock Pact Boons a custom type. This change was made to allow additions, extensions, and replacements to the list of pact boons available from various otherworldly patrons.

Existing Warlock characters will need to reselect their pact boon from the level dialog. Pick Level Options will appear at the top of your character sheet. Just click on that, scroll to level 3, and click the new Pick Warlock Pact Boons button.

Warlock Pact Boons.JPG

This change was made because we noticed a repeated pattern of Warlock subclasses that want to alter the pacts or extend them in some way. With the prior hard wired list implementation, this meant creating a parallel choice or sticking a large blob of unnecessary text on the character sheet. With this change, those changes can be added as a separate pact boons and filtered by keyword.

We hope you like these new capabilities. All feedback welcome. Join us on on Discord, Reddit or Facebook to meet other members of the community and take your game to the next level or follow us on Twitter @shardtabletop for regular updates on what we are doing.



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