National Parks as Adventure Settings

Last week, John Lemay reached out to me about this incredibly cool concept he’s developing to create 5th edition fantasy adventure settings inspired by the U.S. National Parks. I was hooked the moment I read his pitch, so I asked him if he was interested in bringing the concept to life on Shard Tabletop. Within 24 hours, he had the prototype based on the The Badlands he’s been working on setup and packaged for Shard. Today, we are offering that module free to all Shard users.

John is currently running a Kickstarter to develop additional parks and to expand what he’s already built. All the reward levels include the Shard version as well as the PDF. We hope you will consider backing his project here:

Badlands Cover.png

We hope you love this concept as much as we do. Learn more about the project on John’s partner page here. You can also visit with John on the #jl-national-parks channel on our Discord server.

We would love to hear your feedback and stories about your games. Join us on on Discord, Reddit or Facebook to meet other members of the community and take your game to the next level or follow us on Twitter @shardtabletop for regular updates on what we are doing.


MikWewa joins up

