Kala slips from the shadows, sliding her dagger into his heart. Another mission completed. The bloodlust rises. Though she rejects her heritage, the yearning to feed mounts with each kill.
Kalakay Dubois, dhampir sorcerer
The half-living children of vampires and human mothers, dhampirs are born into a world that rejects them. Stigma and suspicion follow them regardless of whether the truth of a dhampir child’s nature is known. This mistrust either forces a dhampir to develop a disarming wit and charm, or to embrace bitterness and keep others at arm’s length through guile or outright intimidation.
Few dhampirs find solace with their undead forebears. As living creatures, even tainted ones, the reality of living with an evil, blood-sucking monster seldom appeals even as they struggle with their own urges or hungers. Dhampirs struggle to find acceptance both within society and within themselves.
Roleplaying Tips. Fundamentally, dhampir are torn between two worlds and this tension should be manifest in the way your character behaves. They could be a completely light-hearted jokester one minute and suck the life out of a prisoner the next. Perhaps they lean towards the dark, but have moments of benevolence triggered by childhood memories. Whether you play to the classic tropes or against type, sprinkle in moments of contrast to give your character more pop.
Dhampir are one of the exotic races available to subscribers in our Core Content Pack. Also, available as part of the Kobold Press Unlikely Heroes for 5E. Build your own dhampir character and tell us about it here or on any of our social channels.
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